Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Post

Hello, this is Chris Hoffman. I'm the Multimedia Content Developer for the Bachelor of Business Administration at Westminster College. I'll be keeping this blog to keep everyone informed about changes, ideas, upgrades, etc to the BBA program.

The Bachelor of Business Administration at Westminster College is designed around and for adult students to help them finish their degree. We have some really unique approaches to getting people to that goal.

For instance we don't have traditional classes. We use the internet, online video, wikis, discussion boards, instant messaging and many other tools as resources to help students find the information they need. Faculty act as coaches rather than lecturers to help students acquire the knowledge they need to complete projects.

That's right, projects. No assignments here. Students are given projects to complete and that's how they prove their competent at the skills they learn.

The projects have a specific set of guidelines that students are graded against so students know exactly what's expected of them.

Finally, everything is done at a student's own pace. If a student knows everything about balanced scorecards, we have no reason to make them sit through a lot of content before starting that project. They just start!

In the end they will have a Bachelor's Degree from Westminster College!

I'm proud to be working with the program and look forward to keeping up this blog.

- Chris

The Official Westminster BBA Site
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